A new mobile Penn State id+ card is anticipated to launch in January 2023, allowing students to use their mobile devices to conveniently, safely and securely access campus housing facilities, purchase meals, and more.
Penn State students, faculty and staff with older versions of the id+ card are being asked to submit new photos ahead of re-carding events that will be held University-wide during the spring 2023 semester. There are multiple ways to submit a photo, and photos will be accepted from Nov. 7 through Nov. 23.
Philanthropists with roots in the Reading region have stepped forward with gifts that will establish a total of $2.4 million in endowed support for the Berks LaunchBox powered by Penn State. The LaunchBox delivers a range of entrepreneurship and economic development resources for the Reading community.
"A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence" concluded on June 30, raising more than $2.2 billion for the three key imperatives of a modern land-grant institution: opening the doors of higher education to students from every background; creating transformative experiences for both students and citizens; and impacting the larger world through research, outreach and service. While the nearly $844.5 million raised for the last imperative advanced a wide range of priorities across the University, the campaign focused attention on three opportunities for impact: economic development, resource security, and human health.
Leaders from around the commonwealth gathered at Penn State Berks on Friday, Aug. 26, to celebrate the dedication of the newly renovated and expanded Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center. President Neeli Bendapudi was on hand to mark the culmination of the $30 million project, which revamped the original structure into a 76,000-square-foot modern facility designed to support academic programs and recreational activities.
Penn State Berks Chancellor George Grant Jr. was named the next president of Saginaw Valley State University today (Aug. 9). Grant will begin his tenure at Saginaw Valley State on Dec. 1.
The results of a confidential university-wide survey show that the majority of Penn State employee and student participants feel safe on campus and view Penn State police officers favorably.
Even before taking the reins as Penn State’s 19th president this month, Neeli Bendapudi has spent much of the spring traveling across the commonwealth on her listening tour of the University’s campuses.
Penn State's sexual misconduct climate survey will close on April 22. The survey was sent to a random sample of students at all Penn State campuses; students can check their Penn State email for a link to complete the survey. The University-wide survey is designed to assess issues of sexual assault, misconduct and harassment.